Finding Purpose
I wanted to talk here about responsibility, and how, as humans it has a profound, long term affect on us as growing and content individuals.
Speaking from experience, I can delineate times when I’ve had purpose via responsibility, and times when I have not. I look back at times where I was ‘off the rails’, a little lost, and although I’ve always been respectful to others, was lacking in self respect, and if I’m honest had a shallow depth of confidence and self esteem. When there is no one at the ship’s helm seas can get rough.
To the contrary, thankfully most of my life I’ve subconsciously sought out responsibility, whether it be via physical, emotional and mental self care, dedication to career, hobbies, or giving to those around me. There’s a powerful sense of self reward when you stand at the captains wheel, and navigate the direction of your own life.
Responsibility is one of the key components that gives purpose to life. It drives people to take action towards accomplishing goals, fulfilling commitments, and contributing positively to society. I believe it is through responsibility that people build their character and become a gentleman, someone who is respected and admired by others for their genuine, strong, and reliable qualities. To have no responsibilities may sound carefree… and believe I’ve been wildly carefree a lot... but ultimately it’s a shallow puddle that dries up quickly and leaves you flopping around in nowhere land. Without challenge there is no growth. Without growth there is no contentment.
Taking responsibility for one's actions is one of the most important things that a person can do to cultivate strong character. When people take responsibility for their behaviour, they acknowledge that they are the only ones who have control over their actions, and that they will be held accountable for the consequences of those actions. This leads to the development of self-discipline, and people need to be disciplined in order to fulfil their commitments and achieve their goals.
In addition to developing self-discipline, taking responsibility allows people to show their integrity and dependability. By fulfilling their commitments, they demonstrate that they can be trusted to follow through on promises and be relied upon to contribute to society in a meaningful way.
A gentleman is someone who understands the importance of responsibility and takes it seriously. He is accountable for his actions and tries his best to fulfil his commitments. This makes him reliable and dependable, qualities that are greatly valued in society. A gentleman is someone who never makes excuses for his behaviour and accepts responsibility for his mistakes. He is willing to apologise when necessary and make amends, which shows that he values relationships and goodwill. I believe a great blight on society now is people’s inability to admit responsibility, admit they are wrong…instead deflecting the wrong onto others, or hiding behind a very thin vale of woke-ness. It is powerful and humbling, brave and utterly necessary for a gentleman to take responsibility and be able to admit he is wrong.
Furthermore, a man who responsibly fulfils his obligations and commitments allows himself to grow as a person. By taking on new challenges and responsibilities, he allows himself to develop in new ways and gain a sense of accomplishment and purpose. This self-improvement and growth is a key aspect of becoming a better person, and it is essential for living a fulfilling life. However, responsibility is not just about fulfilling obligations and committing to actions. It is also about taking responsibility for one's own well-being and happiness. A responsible individual takes care of themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so that they are in a good position to contribute positively to society. They prioritise self-care and understand that this is essential in order to be a strong and important member of society. A segue here because I can’t resist… prioritise your skin health guys!!!
So, as men, I believe it is imperative we find purpose via responsibility to ensure a fulfilled life with challenge, reward and contentment. Be it the typical scenarios of raising a happy family, building a worthy career and keeping a social and healthy lifestyle. Or supporting charity, helping those less fortunate, being a mentor or traveling the planet to document ways to save the world… it all comes with purpose and responsibility, reward and satisfaction.
What responsibilities are you taking on today?
Adam Taylor